• Galeri Cipta 2-Ismail Marzuki Park, Jakarta Indonesia
  • 16-30 Oktober 2014




MG. Pringgotono

Angga Wijaya

M. Sigit Budi S.


Rianto Anarki

Farid Rakun

Collaborator (all invitation & artists)

Experiment Class Oktiza Devina S.Pd.

Showcase Eko S. Bimantara, Adek Marhaenika, JJ. Adibrata, Jehan Syauqi, Wawan Setiawan, Angga Cipta, Robo Wobo, Jadi Terus, HAHA-HIHI, Wacil Wahyudi, Gunawan Wibisono, Riana Linda, Eko S. Bimantara, Ludzfi Sabdakir, ESOA, M. Sigit Budi S, Sigit Wijaya, JAF.

Drawing Class Adek Marhaenika, Ika Setyaningsih, Eko S. Bimantara, Arief Widiarso, Martiana, Jeany Febriwayani, Wacil Wahyudi

Rec. Ayo Rec.

Arief Rachman, M. Hasrul Indrabakti             

Mural Arief Atto, Robowobo

Rumus JJ Adibrata

Video M. Hasrul Indrabakti, Daniel Ferryansyah, Haviz Maha

Projection Installation Oshan Nurisa, Amak Suramak, Arif Coy

Design dan Publication Angga Cipta

Information & Social Media Gunawan Wibisono, Sigit Wijaya

Administration Deti Hapsari, Wulan Anggraeini

Transportation Holik

Exhibition Room Installation  Amak Suramak, Arif Coy, Oshan Nurisa, Winanda Suciyadi, Sodik Aldiano

Spesial Assistant Ramon, Sodik Aldiano

n 2014, when Serum was for first solo exhibition as a collective and the title is KurikuLab. The main work in this exhibition is not the usual work ready to be displayed in the gallery.  Featured works through the first stages of the process.  The showroom responded with building an event, which is used as a laboratory—a place to carry out the process of forming the work that will be exhibited.  This laboratory is the place where Serrum works collaboratively with interdisciplinary practitioners to discuss issues of education issues more broadly, emerging narratives

in education such as methods, systems, goals, etc dialogue that can be shared from multiple points of view. This laboratory seeks to create experiments artistic in uncovering other possibilities regarding education.

The Laboratory process was carried out for four meetings.  On the first day, the laboratory is used as an experimental class "Rupamatics", by combining mathematics teaching materials with fine arts.  
FGD 1 collaboration was carried out with creative teachers from various formal and non-formal schools, with discussions "teaching in a different way".  
FGD 2 collaboration was carried out with
school administrators from various educational backgrounds, with the discussion of "schools: ways and goals".  
FGD 3 collaborate with interdisciplinary practitioners who have various focuses on educational context, with a discussion of “systems and policies” central vs local initiatives”.  After the laboratory process is complete, various discussions, ideas, statements and questions become works to be presented in the form of an art exhibition. The exhibition will feature artifacts and footage of what happened during the laboratory process such as videos, photos, scribbled text, and images.

The Laboratory process was carried out for four meetings.  On the first day, the laboratory is used as an experimental class "Rupamatica", by combining mathematics teaching materials with fine arts.  

  • FGD 1 collaboration was carried out with creative teachers from various formal and non-formal schools, with discussions "teaching in a different way".  

  • FGD 2 collaboration was carried out with school administrators from various educational backgrounds, with the discussion of "schools: ways and goals".  

  • FGD 3 collaborate with interdisciplinary practitioners who have various focuses on educational context, with a discussion of “systems and policies” central vs local initiatives”.  

After the laboratory process is complete, various discussions, ideas, statements and questions become works to be presented in the form of an art exhibition. The exhibition will feature artifacts and footage of what happened during the laboratory process such as videos, photos, scribbled text, and images.

FGD 1 “Teaching in a different way”  

17 October 2014

Sapto Budimayo (Guru Senirupa), Aditya Nugraha (Guru Private), drh. Darwono (Guru

Biologi), Ilham Wahyudin (Guru Fisika), Agus Sampurno (gurukreatif.wordpress.com), Cintra Afridiyana (Guru Kimia), Ramah Handoko (Creative Teacher)

FGD 2 School: Between Method and Purpose

18 October 2014

Marda Hardinggarjati (ESOA), Yuli Prasetyo (Kepala Sekolah ABK Talenta), Deni Rodendo

(Kepala Bimbel Villa Merah), Sono (Wakil KepalaSMA 93), Bandung Mawardi (pemerhati

pendidikan, penulis), Wendie Razif  Soetikno  (SMA Regina Pacis), Lestia Primayanti (Kepala Sekolah Kembang)

FGD 2 School: Between Method and Purpose

19 October 2014

Jimmy F. Paat (Education Critic), Sahat Farida Berlian (DPRD, Depok Commission D), Ibe Karyanto (Studio Anak Akar), MoniKa Irayati (ESOA), Dr. Hilmar Farid (historian, activist, teacher), Syafiatudina (Researcher, KUNCI Cultural Studies Center), Rahman Seblat (Rumah Tanpa Jendela), Aprina Murwanti (Lecturer of UNJ).