Kurikulab Masuk Desa

This projects presented at Ekstrakurikulab Festival

Collaboration with Jatiwangi Art Factory

Comic Created by Amy Simonyetbali

This project plans and implements a study model that values and highlights locality for students of particular region. This project is designed performance art as a learning approach, particularly with focus on socio drama. Performance art is considered to be an active, collaborative and inclusive activity for different groups of people. At the Ekstrakurikulab Festival, we will show the design of curriculum and learning equipment for subject Muatan Lokal Tanah. The learning equipment includes a syllabus and comic-shaped modules prepared by Serrum’s collaboration work with teachers and the principal of SDN Jatisura 01. Presentation of this project will also show all the data and artifacts of Serrum’s research in order to explore local treasure in Jatiwangi. Such as the transcribe of interview with local residents, field notes, reference books used, photos of activities,and documentation video of discussion between Serrum and SDN Jatisura 01 in order to construct subject Muatan Lokal Tanah. 

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Student Comic Sheet